General Information for Analysts and Subordinated Bond Investors
What information does NAMA publish about its financial performance?
Annual and Quarterly Accounts
NAMA publishes its audited Annual Report and Financial Statements for the prior financial year usually in May/June of each year.
In addition, in accordance with Section 55 of the NAMA Act, the Agency publishes detailed unaudited Quarterly Accounts. NAMA’s Section 55 Accounts are submitted to the Minister for Finance within 90 days of the end of each calendar quarter and are subsequently published by being laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas (Irish Parliament) by the Minister for Finance. Access copies of NAMA’s annual and quarterly accounts.
Annual Statement
In addition to its annual and quarterly accounts, NAMA must also submit to the Minister for Finance by 30th September in each year an Annual Statement setting out its proposed objectives for the following financial year, the scope of activities to be undertaken, its strategies and policies, and its proposed use of resources. Copies of NAMA’s Annual Statements can be accessed through the following link.
End-Year Media Statements
In early January of each year, NAMA publishes an End-Year Statement to the media which provides an update on the Agency’s financial performance for the year just past. Copies of NAMA’s end-year media statements can be accessed through the following link.
Parliamentary Committee Hearings/Parliamentary Questions
NAMA’s Chief Executive Officer and Chairman attend and give evidence before the Irish Parliament’s (Oireachtas) Committee of Public Accounts and before other parliamentary committees whenever required to do so.
In addition, the Minister for Finance regularly responds to Parliamentary Questions (PQs) relating to NAMA.
The website of the Oireachtas contains transcripts of all parliamentary committee hearings and the Minister’s replies to PQs.
Speeches and Presentations
Speeches and presentations by the NAMA Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer, including information presented to parliamentary committees, are published on the NAMA website and can be accessed through the following link.
Media Releases
See all NAMA media releases.
Auditor and Third Party Reports
NAMA’s Annual Financial Statements are audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), the State’s auditor. In addition, the C&AG has, to date, produced four special reports on NAMA’s activities and progress.
In addition, as required under Section 227 of the NAMA Act 2009, the Minister for Finance published in July 2019 the second review of NAMA’s progress to date.
NAMA does not facilitate any ad-hoc or bilateral circulation of non-public information to subordinated bond holders in their capacity as bond holders.
No ad hoc meetings or conference calls relating to current or prospective investment in the subordinated bonds are facilitated.
Frequently asked questions - NAMA subordinated bonds
Following the sale in 2014 by the Special Liquidators to IBRC of NAMA subordinated bonds formerly held by IBRC, NAMA has received a number of queries from the new bond holders.
Holders of NAMA subordinated debt have no particular contractual information rights; however, in response to queries submitted by bond holders, the following are answers to the points most frequently raised.