
There is no charge for making an FOI request, however, the following fees may apply in certain circumstances in respect of non-personal requests.

  • Initial Request: No charge
  • Internal Review: €30 (€10 for medical card holders)
  • Appeal to the Office of the Information Commissioner: €50 (€15 for medical card holders)
  • Search, Retrieval and Copying Fees (further information provided below):

    • €20 per hour
    • €6 for X-Ray
    • €10 for a CD
    • €0.04 per sheet for a photocopy

Search, Retrieval and Copying Fees

These fees include charges for time spent by NAMA in establishing whether it holds the information requested, that is, locating, retrieving and extracting the information and preparing a schedule specifying the records for consideration for release. Where fees apply, NAMA will notify you of this and request a deposit (minimum 20%) within two weeks of the date of receipt of the request. Details of actual charges relating to your request will be notified to you in writing.

The following is a summary of the fee structure:

  • Where the cost of search, retrieval and copying is less than €101, no fee is charged. Once the cost exceeds €101, full fees will apply.
  • Where the cost of search, retrieval and copying is greater than €500 but less than €700, a maximum charge of €500 applies.
  • Where the cost of search, retrieval and copying is greater than €700, NAMA can refuse to process the request unless the requestor is prepared to refine the request to bring the fees below the limit.

FOI Fee Payment

Payment should be made by way of Electronic Funds Transfer in Euro. Pease contact the FOI unit for details.


  1. There is no charge if the records concerned contain only personal information relating to the applicant, unless there are a significant number of records.
  2. If you are claiming a reduced application fee for an Internal Review, the request must be accompanied by the Medical Card registration number, issuing Health Board name and your consent to the verification of these details with that Health Board.

Please address all FOI fee related queries to:

FOI Unit
National Asset Management Agency
Treasury Dock
North Wall Quay
Dublin 1
D01 A9T8

Email: foi@nama.ie

Tel: +353 1 238 5060