Frequently Asked Questions

How does FOI work?

The FOI Act 2014 gives you the right to access records held by FOI bodies including NAMA. The release of records is subject to a number of exemptions which are set out in the FOI Act 2014.

If an FOI body does not release certain records, it is obliged to set out the reasons for doing so in a decision letter.

How do I make an FOI request?

Detailed information on how to make an FOI request to NAMA is available under Making a Request for Information. 

Will I be charged for requesting information under the FOI Act?

There is no charge for making an FOI request.  However, fees known as search, retrieval and copying fees may apply in certain circumstances. Further details are available under Fees.

How soon after making an FOI request can I expect a reply?

Under the FOI Act, a request for records will be acknowledged within two weeks and, in most cases, responded to within four weeks.  A week is defined in the Act to mean five consecutive week-days, excluding Saturdays and public holidays (Sundays are also excluded as they are not considered week-days).

In certain circumstances, NAMA may extend the decision period by a further four weeks.

What’s the next step if I am unhappy with a decision on my request?

If you are dissatisfied with NAMA’s response to your request, you can seek to have the decision re-examined by a more senior member of staff within NAMA. This is known as an internal review.

Applications for an internal review should be addressed to the FOI Unit, National Asset Management Agency, Treasury Dock, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, D01 A9T8 – Email: / Tel: +353 1 238 5060. There is a fee for a non-personal Internal Review application of €30 (€10 for medical card holders). Further details are available under Fees.

Can I get help in making a request?

Yes, if you require help, the FOI Unit can help assist you with drafting your request.  The FOI Unit is also available to provide assistance to persons with a disability to exercise their rights under the FOI Act.