Legislation and Useful Links
NAMA became subject to Freedom of Information with effect from 14th April 2015 with the enactment of the FOI Act, 2014.
A link to the legislation is provided below, for information:
Freedom of Information Act, 2014
Further information on FOI is also available from:
Freedom of Information Central Policy Unit
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform,
Central Policy Unit
Floor 3, 7-9 Merrion Row
Dublin 2
D02 V223
Tel: +353 1 604 5245
Email: cpu@per.gov.ie
Website: www.foi.gov.ie
Office of the Information Commissioner
6 Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
D02 W773
Tel: +353 1 639 5689
Email: info@oic.ie
Website: www.oic.ie